The typical experience at school for a dyslexic student in Years 1 and 2 is frustrating. They come from EYFS where they have a creative and flexible curriculum and are faced with a more unimaginative and restrictive curriculum. One simple method can help support dyslexics and those with additional needs,
The method is simple – instead of sounding out words, or just copying words down, use colours to aid memory and concentration. Studies have shown that colours and fonts improve recall (see the HF Colour Codes Coursebook for more information) and is also a more imaginative way to learn. Most dyslexics are visual learners so this method proves to be invaluable.
Firstly, you need to match the vowels with different colours. Then when you write the word use these colours for the vowels. For longer words, you can use different colours for each syllable. When the student has done this, if the student enjoys art, get them to draw the word using bubble writing or different fonts.
This simple method will not only improve spelling, but make school a far more enjoyable experience. It should also reduce anxiety and make students with additional needs feel included.