If you or your child or student is struggling to spell even simple words there is a solution. They may have already received that have had limited or even no success. This is normally because the spelling method is mundane and over focused on memorising sounds.
The HF Colour-Code Method utilises the strengths and learning style of the child. Below are some ways it achieves this.
1. Use creative and fun ways to learn words. Find out whether the student enjoys using clay, paints, drawing or even has favourite colours. Make sure they enjoy learning words and avoid mundane or repetitive methods.
2. Start by learning words in which the child is interested. For instance, if they love cars then focus on related words such as BRAKE, ACCELERATOR, BONNET etc. By using such words, the students feel included in the learning.
3. Match colours to letter patterns and syllables. When student associate a colour it aids memory and provides a concentration aid.
4. Try different approaches. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different mediums such as chalks, paint and acrylic. The more colourful and inventive. More memorable the spelling g pattern becomes!
5. Use different fonts and sizes. The font of writing has been shown to have a positive effect on memory. Using large or small font will also be a useful aid.
These methods underpin the HF Colour-Code Method and more information is given in the Coursebook.